UK Editorial Complaints Policy

At Pyyrah, we take all complaints regarding editorial content seriously. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalism and adhere to the rules and regulations enforced by relevant media bodies.

1. What is a Complaint?

When submitting a complaint, you must clearly state that it is a formal complaint under this policy.

2. What Does This Policy Cover?

This policy applies to complaints about editorial content in Pyyrah’s publications and digital platforms that we control in the UK, including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. This policy does not cover:

  • Complaints about TV or radio content (regulated by Ofcom or similar bodies).
  • Complaints about advertising (regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority).
  • Concerns regarding matters of taste, decency, or impartiality.
  • Complaints about books.
  • Complaints about user-generated content (e.g., comments or posts by third parties on our digital platforms) that we have not moderated or reviewed.
  • Complaints that fall outside the remit of relevant media regulations.

3. How We Handle Complaints

  • Complaints must be submitted within four months of the date of the behavior or first publication of the content in question. If the content remains accessible on our website, complaints will be accepted up to 12 months after its first publication.
  • Complaints will be considered from:
    • Individuals directly affected by the issue.
    • Representative groups impacted by an alleged breach of editorial standards that is significant and of substantial public interest.
    • Third parties seeking to correct a significant inaccuracy in published content.
  • We reserve the right to reject complaints without further investigation if:
    • They do not show a breach of editorial standards.
    • They are trivial, hypothetical, abusive, offensive, vexatious, or otherwise insignificant.
  • If legal action is being taken, we may be unable to consider your complaint.

4. What Happens to Your Complaint?

  • Free Process: The complaints process is free of charge, regardless of the outcome.
  • Acknowledgment: We aim to acknowledge your complaint within five working days of receipt. You must respond promptly to any additional requests for information.
  • Multiple Complaints: If we receive multiple complaints about the same issue, we may provide a single response to all.
  • Resolution Timeframe: We aim to resolve complaints within 28 days of receiving all necessary information. If this timeframe is not met, you can escalate the matter to the appropriate media body.
  • Professionalism: We will treat all complainants with courtesy and respect, and we expect the same in return.

5. Escalation to Media Regulation Bodies

If you are not satisfied with our final response, you may escalate your complaint to a relevant regulatory body. Such bodies offer free complaints-handling services to resolve disputes about whether editorial standards have been breached.

We will confirm in writing that our internal complaints procedure has been exhausted if requested by the regulatory body.

6. Policy Changes

Pyyrah reserves the right to update this policy to ensure compliance with evolving regulations. The most current version of this policy will always be available on our website. Complaints will be assessed based on the policy in place at the time the complaint is received.

7. How to Submit a Complaint

To ensure we can review your complaint effectively, please provide the following information:

  • A copy of the article in question, a link to the relevant webpage, or the publication title, issue date, page, and article title.
  • A written explanation of your concerns, including references to relevant editorial standards.
  • Any additional documents or evidence that will help us assess your complaint.

Complaints submitted without this information may not be considered. If further details are required, we will request them after your initial contact. If the requested information cannot be provided, we may be unable to process your complaint.

Contact Information

Write to:
Pyyrah Limited
27 Old Gloucester Street
London, England, WC1N 3AX

We are committed to addressing all complaints thoroughly and fairly to maintain the highest editorial standards.

Important documents and links