Pyyrah's ‘On Background’ Policy

At Pyyrah, transparency and accountability are integral to our editorial standards. Below is our guide for communications professionals when engaging with our journalists.

On the Record by Default

All conversations with Pyyrah reporters are on the record by default. This means that any information you provide—whether written or verbal—may be quoted and attributed to you by name, not just as “a company spokesperson.”

We typically grant anonymity only to sources who could face retaliation or harm as a result of sharing information. In such cases, we will explain to our readers why anonymity was granted. As Julia Angwin, editor-in-chief of the Markup, has noted, “Corporate spokespeople who are paid to provide information simply don’t meet the criteria for being granted anonymity.”

On Background Conversations

Occasionally, we may agree to have a conversation on background, meaning we can use the information provided but will not attribute it to you by name. However, this requires prior agreement from Pyyrah. If you send us a statement “on background” without our prior consent, we reserve the right to treat it as on the record.

Requesting Specific Conditions

If you wish to propose specific conditions for a conversation (e.g., not quoting a particular statement directly or identifying a source in a certain way), you must obtain our agreement beforehand. Be explicit and clear about your requests each time you communicate with Pyyrah. At our discretion, we may also inform our readers why certain information is being provided in a specific way.

Off-the-Record Conversations

Conversations designated as off the record cannot be published. However, these must be agreed to in advance—and we rarely grant this status to corporate spokespeople.

Our Responsibility to Readers

The companies and organizations you represent play crucial roles in shaping industries and communities. As such, Pyyrah has a responsibility to inform our readers about the sources of the information we report, including your plans and actions.

Transparency is at the heart of our reporting, and we encourage open, clear, and professional communication with our journalists. For any questions about this policy, please contact

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